
01., Apr, 2025.
First industrial user for the CRC 287 Bulk-Reaction open-source DEM-CFD framework
thyssenkrupp Polysius is the first industrial user of the open-source DEM-CFD framework developed within the Corporate Research Center Center 287 Bulk-Reaction. The company is utilizing this DEM-CFD framework to simulate the flight and conversion behavior of refuse-derived fuels (RDF) in cement rotary kilns. These fuels have a size range of several centimeters and complex particle shapes. For such thermally thick particles, the DEM approach is well-suited to describe the physical and chemical intra-particle processes. When coupled with OpenFOAM as the CFD solver, this approach also enables the accurate simulation of the flight behavior of these complex-shaped particles.
About thyssenkrupp Polysius (copy from the thyssenkrupp webpage)
As a partner and a full range-supplier of the cement industry, we are leading the way to a more sustainable cement business. Providing green tech, digital and automation solutions, on-site and remote services, we are the number one partner for our customers whether in new build plants, products and machines or services. With solutions such as polysius® pure oxyfuel as the game-changing solution for carbon capture and storage/usage (CCU, CCS), we are able to offer groundbreaking tools to transform the industry – even today!

Latest Publications:
25.02.2025, Particuology
Title: Modelling of Heat Transfer in Moving Granular Assemblies with a Focus on Radiation using the Discrete Ordinate Method: A DEM-CFD Approach.
Authors: R. Abdi, B. Jaeger, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, M. Schiemann, V. Scherer
Direct download link: Abdi et al., Particuology, 2025.

08.08.2024, Particuology
Title: A reduced model for particle calcination for use in DEM/CFD simulations.
Authors: L. Mieg, T. Bergold, E. Illana, V. Scherer, M. Mönnigmann

07.07.2024, International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Title: Drag, lift, and torque correlations for axi-symmetric rod-like non-spherical particles in linear wall-bounded shear flow.
Authors: V. Chéron, B. van Wachem

02.05.2024, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Title: Kinetics of iron reduction upon reduction/oxidation cycles.
Authors: • F. Cerciello, A. Fabozzi, C. Yannakis, S. Schmitt, O. Narin, V. Scherer, O. Senneca

09.04.2024, International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Title: Microstructure-based prediction of hydrodynamic forces in stationary particle assemblies.
Authors: B. van Wachem, H. Elmestikawy, V. Chéron

06., Dec, 2024.
On December 4, 2024, Prof. Dr. Jens Strackeljan, President of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, awarded apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Reza Kharaghani the title “Extraordinary Professor.” Dr. Kharaghani, the principle investigator of project B4 within SFB/TRR 287, has been leading the Drying and Pore Networks Group at the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, since 2013.
The CRC congratulates Dr. Kharaghani on this recognition!
Online Article
26., Nov, 2024.
Researchers from the Collaborative Research Center Bulk Reaction have set out to understand how the heat distribution in large-scale industrial furnaces affects the products inside. This should aid the energy transition.
Read more:

07., Oct, 2024.
Dr. Martin Schiemann, principal investigator of projects B3 and C3 within BULK-Reaction, has been honored with the title of apl. Professor.
Dr. Schiemann studied physics at the University of Bochum and earned his Dr.-Ing. degree in 2012 with a thesis on the spray roasting of iron chloride solutions. His habilitation follwed in the year 2018 with a thesis on optical thermography for engineering applications.
He also serves as a principal investigator in the SFB/TRR 129 Oxyflame, focusing on oxy-fuel combustion of biomass. Additionally, his research interests extend to metal fuels, a key area of his scientific work.
The CRC congratulates Dr. Schiemann on this great achievement, which highlights his exceptional contributions to BULK-Reaction and his broader scientific impact.

19., June, 2024.
M.Sc. Nikoline Hilse (project C3, Bochum) was awarded ‘The First Runner Up’ in the best student paper award competition for her contribution with the title “Numerical Study of Residence Time and Contact Heat Transfer of Spherical Particles on a Continuously Operated Hearth Furnace Floor Using the Discrete Element Method (DEM)” at the 48th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, Clearwater, Florida, USA.

13., June, 2024.
Prof. Scherer gave a seminar at University of Salerno, Italy, on June 13 2024 on “DEM/CFD simulation of moving and reacting granular assemblies with gas flow”
(IPNF 2024)
11.- 12., June, 2024.
Prof. Scherer was a keynote speaker at the Modeling and Simulation Session during the International Powder & Nanotechnology Forum (IPNF 2024) in Frankfurt on June 11-12, 2024, entitled “DEM/CFD simulation of chemically reacting, thermally thick particles in moving granular assemblies with gas flow: challenges and recent developments.”
See website for IPNF 2023: The website for IPNF 2024 is yet not online but to be published soon.
( CRC )
1., June, 2024.
CRC granted for another 4 years
Great success: the CRC287 has been granted by the senate of the DFG for another 4 years until 30 June 2028.
Read these links for more info:
Soft skills lecture
Soft skills lecture
18, Dec., 2023, 11:00-13:00
Bookreading: Parenthood and science – (in)compatibilities, Corona Gaps and us.
During this lunch lecture, Dr. Sarah Czerney and Dr. Lena Eckert gave an insight into their books.
Sarah Czerney, Lena Eckert, Silke Martin (2022) Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft in der Pandemie: (Un-)Vereinbarkeit zwischen Kindern, Care und Krise, Verlag Barabara-Budrich-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-8474-2654-7.
Sarah Czerney, Lena Eckert, Silke Martin (2020) Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft: Die (Un-) Vereinbarkeit von Mutterbild und wissenschaftlicher Tätigkeit, Springer Verlag, ISBN: 978-3658309312.
In order to explore the tension between parenthood, motherhood, other unpaid care work and science. After the lecture, participants had the opportunity for discussion.
Further reading:
Sarah Czerney, Lena Eckert, Silke Martin (Hg.): Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft in der Pandemie. (Un-)Vereinbarkeit zwischen Kindern, Care und Krise. Budrich: 2022
“Nähkästchen extended: Netzwerk Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft” – Podcast from University of Hamburg
“KARRIERE NUR OHNE KINDER?” – Interview with rbb kultur
“Ungleichheit bei Unikarrieren: Forscherinnen durch Pandemie benachteiligt” – Report in Tagesspiegel
Dr. Sarah Czerney and Dr. Lena Eckert (Netzwerk Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft)

MGK Guest lecture
14, Dec., 2023 at 3:00-4.30 PM
MGK Guest lecture by Prof. Vikranth Kumar Surasani.
Title: “Investigation on CO2 geological sequestration in the deccan volcanic province through multiphase flow and reactive transport simulations”
The seminar took place online via Zoom.
Industrial activity is the primary source of carbon emissions with a estimated 78% of total contribution. Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology is one of the alternatives to reduce CO2 emissions, where the captured CO2 is transported to the facilities using various storage techniques. Geologic carbon sequestration (GCS) is one such technique, where deep geological subsurface formation is used as permanent storage facility. Based on available geological, petrophysical, and geochemical properties, the Deccan volcanic province is one of India’s largest sinks for geological CO2 sequestration. Approximately 5,000,000 km2 of India is covered with Deccan basalt. The fate of injected CO2 in the geological formations follow various physical trappings and chemical transformations which are classified as structural, residual, solubility, and mineral trapping mechanisms.
The current research investigates the possible implementation of CO2 geological sequestration in the Deccan volcanic province. The numerical simulation analysis is carried out to analyse the influences of specific sequestration parameters like the injection rate and injection point; and geological parameters like top surface morphology, petrophysical properties variation, and geological features like stairsteps traps and anticline on the CO2 plume migration in the subsurface formation domain. The effect of these sequestration and geological parameter variations is analysed on the trapping mechanism, sweeping efficiency and structural integrity over a geological time scale for the considered subsurface synthetic domain. The multiphase, multicomponent reactive transport modelling technique is utilized to conduct this analysis. The outcome of this research has shown insight into the potential implementation of CCS and a future estimate of CO2 migration and CO2 entrapment. Further, provide the impacts of sequestration and geological parameters over a geological time scale. Future studies will focus on caprock leakage analysis, leakage implications on different entrapment mechanisms and machine learning approaches to predict the entrapment percentage, leakage, and structural integrity research for long geological time scales.
Keywords: Carbon Capture and Storage, Geologic Carbon Sequestration, Trapping mechanisms, Sequestration parameters, Geological parameters, Reactive transport modelling.
Soft skills workshop
Soft skills workshop
13, Dec., 2023
Workshop on “Gender appropriate candidate assessment” in Magdeburg by Dr. Steffi Nothnagel (Diversity Consulting)
The workshop addressed gender appropriate candidate assessment during recruitment processes. It presented strategies and good-practice examples on how to avoid gender bias within the recruiting process based on equal treatment of all applicants. Established approaches at both universities were discussed and evaluated with regard to opportunities for improvement.
1, Dec., 2023
A new INF-pilotgroup was created. Elected doctoral researcher from the research projects support their colleagues in the long term data storage of data.

Code and Data Sprint in Magdeburg
Nov., 2023
The Code and Data sprint was a two day event and took place in Magdeburg.
This CDC continued the first CDC in Berlin and further actions were undertaken to develop RDM in the CRC287. Data Management plans of the projects were updated by the doctoral researchers and example data sets were prepared. Further in-depth diving into the central data management platform Confluence was conducted. Group discussions with experts helped to answer urgent questions regarding RDM. In addition, the projects conducted several steps of internal review process to optimize the preparation and documentation of their datasets. Lastly, a pilot group for RDM was formed to support the CRCs data steward and their colleagues.
22.06.2023, Twente University, Netherlands
Prof. Scherer and Dr. Wirtz gave an invited lecture on “DEM/CFD simulation of reacting moving thermally thick particles” at Twente University, presenting newest results from the CRC 287.
The lecture took place in the course of the Multi-Scale Mechanics Seminar of the group of Prof. Luding.

Guest lecture by Dr. Osvalda Senneca (Combustion Research Institute Naples, Italy) on the 23rd of May 2023

26- 28 April 2023 in Rouen, France
The CRC/TR 287 has organized a workshop at the 11th European Combustion Meeting (ECM) 2023:
Discrete kinetic methods for combustion simulation: Fundamentals and Practice
It is organized by Dr. Seyed Ali Hosseini.
Development of efficient and physically sound new algorithms adapted to the constantly evolving high performance hardware architecture is of the utmost importance, especially in computation-intensive applications such as combustion. Over the past decades the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) and other kinetic- theory-based numerical approaches have proven themselves to be very efficient alternatives to classical Navier-Stokes-based solvers in the incompressible regime both on CPU- and GPU-based platforms. The rapid growth of industrial solvers based on the LBM is a clear testament to computational advantages of the latter. This success in the incompressible regime prompted the community at large to extend the scheme to compressible flows, and eventually combustion simulations. The past 5-10 years have witnessed a rapidly growing interest in the development of discrete kinetic methods for combustion simulations in both low and high Mach regimes.
The aim of this workshop, held in the context of the 2023 edition of the European Combustion Meeting in Rouen (France) is to gather experts in the area of the kinetic theory of gases and discrete methods based on the latter to discuss challenges and opportunities, recent progress and future of discrete kinetic methods for the simulation of reacting flows. The half day workshop included talks by experts in the field followed by short presentations from doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers illustrating most recent applications of discrete kinetic methods.
We warmly invite all interested parties to take part in this first edition of the workshop and, for those active in that area of research, submit abstracts to present their most recent progress. Accepted abstracts led to oral presentations of 5-10~mins in the last section of the workshop. Should the number of abstract be large, the possibility for poster presentation was also considered.