
The CRC project areas are:
A (gas-phase phenomena),
B (particle phenomena),
C (coupled process)

- C. Velten, M. Ebert, C. Lessig, K. Zähringer: Ray tracing Particle Image Velocimetry – Challenges in the application to a packed bed, Particuology, Volume 84 (2024), 194-208.
- G. Xuan, M. Ebert, S. Rodrigues, N. Vorhauer-Huget, C. Lessig, B. Fond: Multi-point temperature measurements in packed beds using phosphor thermometry and ray tracing simulations, Particuology, Volume 85 (2023), 77-88.
- M. Tyslik, M. Ebert, M. Schiemann, S. Wirtz, C. Lessig: A Numerical and Experimental Comparison of Heat Transfer in a Quasi Two-Dimensional Packed Bed, Particuology, Volume 84 (2023), 136-144.
- C. Gorges, M. Brömmer, C. Velten, S. Wirtz, E. Illana, V. Scherer, K. Zähringer, B. van Wachem: Comparing two IBM implementations for the simulation of uniform packed beds, Particuology, Volume 86 (2023), 1-12.
- T. Neeraj, C. Velten, G. Janiga, K. Zähringer, R. Namdar, F. Varnik, D. Thévenin , S.A. Hosseini: Modeling gas flows in packed beds with the lattice Boltzmann method: validation against experiments, arXiv preprint arXiv (2023), 2306. 11405.
- W. Sadowski, M. Sayyari, F. di Mare, C. Velten, K. Zähringer: Particle-resolved simulations and measurements of the flow through a uniform packed bed, Physics of Fluids, (2024) (accepted for publication)
- C. Velten, M. Ebert, C. Lessig, K. Zähringer: Ray tracing based reconstruction of PIV measurements in the outlet zone of gaseous flow in packed beds, 20th LISBON Laser Symposium, 11th – 14th July, Lisbon, Portugal, 2022.
- R. Jendersie, N. Margenberg, C. Lessig, T. Richter: Enhancing a multigrid solver for the Navier-Stokes equations with deep learning, Equadiff 15, 11th –15th July, Brno, Czech Republic, 2022.
- M. Ebert, C. Velten, K. Zähringer, C. Lessig: Efficient PIV measurements in the interior of complex, transparent geometries, Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow CMFF’22, (Vad, J., Ed.), Budapest, Hungary, 14/1-9, 2022.
- T. P. Medina, J. P. Kolb, G. Hüttmann, R. Huber, O. P. Medina, L. Ha, P. Ulloa, N. Larsen, A. Ferrari, M. Rafecas, M. Ellrichmann, M. S. Pravdivtseva, M. Anikeeva et al.: Imaging Inflammation – From Whole Body Imaging to Cellular Resolution, Front. Immunol., Volume 12 (2021), 2042.
- M. Anikeeva, M. Sangal, O. Speck, G. Norquay, M. Zuhayra, U. Lützen, J. Peters, O. Jansen, J.-B. Hövener: Nichtinvasive funktionelle Lungenbildgebung mit hyperpolarisiertem Xenon: Durchbruch für die Diagnostik?, die Radiologie, Volume 62 (2022), 475-485.
- A. Ferrari, J. Peters, M. Anikeeva, A. Pravdivtsev, F. von Ellermann, K. Them, O. Will, E. Peschke, H. Yoshihara, O. Jansen, J.-B. Hövener: Performance and reproducibility of 13C and 15N hyperpolarization using a cryogen-free DNP polarizer, scientific reports, Volume 12 (2022), 11694.
- M. Sangal, M. Anikeeva, S. C. Priese, H. Mattern, J. Hövener, O. Speck: MR based magnetic susceptibility measurements of 3D printing materials at 3 Tesla,Volumes 16–17, (2023), 100138.
A3 Experimental investigation of the interactions between the flame and the particles in packed beds
- G. Xuan, M. Ebert, S. Rodrigues, N. Vorhauer-Huget, C. Lessig, B. Fond: Multi-point temperature measurements in packed beds using phosphor thermometry and ray tracing simulations, Particuology, Volume 85 (2023), 77-88.
- M. Khodsiani, R. Namdar, F. Varnik, F. Beyrau, B. Fond: Spatially resolved investigation of flame particle interaction in a two dimensional model packed bed, Particuology, Volume 85 (2023), 167-185.
- R. Namdar, M. Khodsiani, H. Safari, T. Neeraj, S.A. Hosseini, F. Beyrau, B. Fond, D. Thévenin, F. Varnik: Numerical study of convective heat transfer in static arrangements of particles with arbitrary shapes: A monolithic hybrid lattice Boltzmann-finite difference-phase field solver, Particuology, Volume 85 (2023), 186-197.
- E. Illana , H. Merten , T. Bergold, M. Khodsiani, S. Hosseini, D. Mira, F. Beyrau, D. Thévenin , V. Scherer:Simulation of reacting flows in packed beds using flamelet generated manifolds, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, (2023), 102264.
- M. Khodsiani, F. Beyrau, F. Varnik, B. Fond: Experimental investigation of the propagation of a premixed flame in an array of cooled cylindrical particles, 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Hannover-Garbsen, Germany, 28th-29th September, 2021.
- M. Khodsiani, C. Hedge, F. Beyrau, F. Varnik, B. Fond: Investigation of a flame in a packed bed using a cylindrical geometry and single-side optical diagnostics, Laser Applications to Chemistry Secury and Environmental Analysis (LACSEA), OSA Optical Sensor and Sensing Congress, Vancouver, Canada, 11th-15th July, 2022.
- M. Khodsiani, F. Beyrau, B. Fond: Flame-particle interaction inside a packed bed of cooled particles, 11th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2023), Rouen, France, 24th-26th April, 2023.
- S. A. Hosseini, H. Safari, D. Thévenin: Lattice Boltzmann Solver for Multiphase Flows: Application to High Weber and Reynolds Numbers, Entropy, Volume 23 (2021), 166.
- S. A. Hosseini, N. Darabiha, D. Thevenin: Low Mach number lattice Boltzmann model for turbulent combustion: Flow in confined geometries, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 39, (2022) 5357-5364.
- M. Khodsiani, R. Namdar, F. Varnik, F. Beyrau, B. Fond: Spatially resolved investigation of flame particle interaction in a two dimensional model packed bed, Particuology, Volume 85 (2023), 167-185
- R. Namdar, M. Khodsiani, H. Safari, T. Neeraj, S.A. Hosseini, F. Beyrau, B. Fond, D. Thévenin, F. Varnik: Numerical study of convective heat transfer in static arrangements of particles with arbitrary shapes: A monolithic hybrid lattice Boltzmann-finite difference-phase field solver, Particuology, Volume 85 (2023), 186-197.
- S.A. Hosseini, D. Thévenin: Towards pore-scale simulation of combustion in porous media using a low-Mach hybrid lattice Boltzmann/finite difference solver, Physics of Fluids, Volume 35(6) (2023), 067129/1-12.
- T. Neeraj, C. Velten, G. Janiga, K. Zähringer, R. Namdar, F. Varnik, D. Thévenin , S.A. Hosseini: Modeling gas flows in packed beds with the lattice Boltzmann method: validation against experiments, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, Volume 111 (2023), 463-491.
- E. Illana , H. Merten , T. Bergold, M. Khodsiani, S. Hosseini, D. Mira, F. Beyrau, D. Thévenin , V. Scherer: Simulation of reacting flows in packed beds using flamelet generated manifolds, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, (2023), 102264.
- N. Vorhauer-Huget , J. Seidenbecher , S. Bhaskaran , F. Schenkel , L. Briest , S. Gopalkrishna , J. Barowski , A. Dernbecher , L. Hilfert , I. Rolfes , A. Dieguez-Alonso: Dielectric and physico-chemical behavior of single thermally thick wood blocks under microwave assisted pyrolysis, Particuology, Volume 86 (2024), 291-303.
- J. Schorlemer, F. Schenkel, N. Hilse, C. Schulz, V. Scherer, and I. Rolfes, “Radar-based particle localization in densely-packed granular assemblies” Processes 2023, 11(11), 3183.
- J. Schorlemer, J. Altholz, J. Barowski, C. Baer, I. Rolfes and C. Schulz: A Radar Echo Simulator for the Synthesis of Randomized
Training Data Sets in the Context of AI-Based Applications, sensors, (2024), 24(3), 836.
- S. J. Rodrigues, N. Vorhauer-Huget, E. Tsotsas: Effective thermal conductivity of packed beds made of cubical particles, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 194 (2022), 122994.
- S. J. Rodrigues, N. Vorhauer-Huget, T. Richter, E. Tsotsas: Influence of particle shape on tortuosity of non-spherical 2 particle packed beds, processes, Volume 11 (2023), 3.
- G. Xuan, M. Ebert, S. Rodrigues, N. Vorhauer-Huget, C. Lessig, B. Fond: Multi-point temperature measurements in packed beds using phosphor thermometry and ray tracing simulations, Particuology, Volume 85 (2023), 77-88.
- N. Vorhauer-Huget , J. Seidenbecher , S. Bhaskaran , F. Schenkel , L. Briest , S. Gopalkrishna , J. Barowski , A. Dernbecher , L. Hilfert , I. Rolfes , A. Dieguez-Alonso: Dielectric and physico-chemical behavior of single thermally thick wood blocks under microwave assisted pyrolysis, Particuology, Volume 86 (2024), 291-303.
- J. Fischer, S. Julian Rodrigues, M. Kriegeskorte, N. Hilse, E. Illana, V. Scherer, E. Tsotsas: Particle-particle contact heat transfer models in thermal DEM: A model comparison and experimental validation, Powder Technology, Volume 429 (2023), 118909.
- B. Jaeger, M. Schlag, V. Scherer, S. Wirtz, M. Schiemann: Radiative heat transfer with a blocked-off approach for application in the discrete element method, Powder Technology, Volume 392 (2021), 558-569.
- B. Jaeger, M. Tyslik, S. Wirtz, M. Schiemann: Investigation of the radiative heating of cubic particles with DEM/CFD and the BO/DO approach, Powder Technology, Volume 403 (2022), 117424.
- M. Tyslik, M. Ebert, M. Schiemann, S. Wirtz, C. Lessig: A Numerical and Experimental Comparison of Heat Transfer in a Quasi Two-Dimensional Packed Bed, Particuology, Volume 84 (2023), 136-144.
- M. Tyslik, L. Pörtner, S. Wirtz, M. Schiemann: Experimental investigation of radiative heat propagation in a simplified generic packed bed, Particuology, Volume 88 (2024), 149-160.
- R. Abdi, B. Jaeger, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, M. Schiemann, V. Scherer: Modelling of Heat Transfer in Moving Granular Assemblies with a Focus on Radiation using the Discrete Ordinate Method: A DEM-CFD Approach, Particology, Volume 100 (2025), 78-94. (Direct Download: Abdi et al. 2025.)
- X. Lu, E. Tsotsas, A. Kharaghani: Drying of capillary porous media simulated by coupling of continuum-scale and micro-scale models, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 140 (2021), 103654.
- A. Kharaghani, H.T. Mahmood, Y.J. Wang, E. Tsotsas, Three-dimensional visualization and modeling of capillary liquid rings observed during drying of dense particle packings, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 177 (2021), 121505.
- N. Zhan, R. Wu, E. Tsotsas, A. Kharaghani: Proposal for extraction of pore networks with pores of high aspect ratios, Physical Review Fluids, Volume 7 (2022), 014304.
- F. Ahmad, M. Prat, E. Tsotsas, A. Kharaghani, Two-equation continuum model of drying appraised by comparison with pore network simulations, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194, (2022), 123073.
- S.T. Pham, B. Chareyre, E. Tsotsas, A. Kharaghani, Pore network modeling of phase distribution and capillary force evolution during slow drying of particle aggregates, Powder Technology 407, (2022), 117627.
- L. Xiang, E. Tsotsas, A. Kharaghani: Scale transition: Pore network study of how pore structure affects the macroscopic parameters of the continuum model for drying, Drying Technology, Volume 41 (2023), 948-967.
- R. Jendersie, A. Mjalled, X. Lu, L. Reineking, A. Kharaghani, M. Mönnigmann, C. Lessig, NeuroPNM: Model reduction of pore network models using neural networks, Particuology 86, (2023) 239-251.
- N.H. Zhan, Y.P. Wang, X. Lu, R. Wu and A. Kharaghani, “Pore-corner networks unveiled: Extraction and interactions in porous media,” Phys. Rev. Fluids, 9, (2024), 014303.
- X. Lu, E. Tsotsas, A. Kharaghani: Drying of capillary porous media simulated by coupling of continuum model and pore network model, 13th International Conference on Porous Media and Annual Meeting (Interpore), online, 31th May – 4th June, 2021.
- J. Chen, N. Zhan, X. Lu, R. Wu, A. Kharaghani: Extraction of pore networks from X-ray images of single wood particles subjected to drying, 14th International Conference on Porous Media and Annual Meeting (Interpore), Abu Dhabi, Arab Emirates, 30th May – 02nd June, 2022.
- X. Lu, A. Kharaghani: A shrinking pore network model for drying porous media, 14th International Conference on Porous Media and Annual Meeting (Interpore), Abu Dhabi, Arab Emirates, 30th May – 02nd June, 2022.
- X. Lu, E. Tstotsas, A. Kharaghani: Drying of capillary porous media simulated by coupling of continuum-scale and meso-scale models, 22th International Drying Symposium, Worchester MA (USA), 26th – 29th June, 2022.
- N. Zhan, R. Wu, A. Kharaghani: OED-Based Method for Extraction of Pore Networks with High Aspect Ratio, Album of Porous Media, Springer Cham., 2023.
- J. Chen, X. Lu, A. Kharaghani: Evolution of pore structure during the drying porous media, Proceeding of the European Drying Conference (EuroDrying), Łódź, Poland, 2023.
- J. Chen, X. Lu, A. Kharaghani, Discrete fluid model for drying of capillary porous media with evolving microstructure, Interpore 2023, Edinburg/UK
X. Lu, A. Kharaghani, Pore network modeling of calcination in single particles with evolving microstructure, Interpore, Edinburg/UK, 2023.
- J. Chen, X. Lu, A. Kharaghani, Adaptive pore network model for the calcination of limestone: A comprehensive study of intraparticle transport effects, DECHEMA Fachgruppen Abfallbehandlungund Wertstoffrückgewinnung (AuW) und Trocknungstechnik (TRO), Dresden/Germany, 2023.
- X. Lu, J. Chen, A. Kharaghani, Pore-scale modelling of a single particle calcination, PARTEC, Nuremberg/Germany, 2023.
- X. Lu, A. Kharaghani, Adaptive pore network model for the calcination of limestone: A comprehensive study of intraparticle transport effects, Interpore German Chapter, 2023.
- X. Lu, J. Chen, A. Kharaghani, Modeling microstructure dynamics and mass transport kinetics in drying capillary porous media, Interpore German Chapter, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt/Germany, 2023.
- J. Oppotsch, A. Athanassiadis, M. Fritsch, F.H. Heinsius, T. Held, N. Hilse, V. Scherer, M. Steinke, U. Wiedner: A simulation study for a cost-effective PET-like detector system intended to track particles in granular assemblies, Particuology, Volume 84 (2023), 117-125.
- J. Oppotsch, M. Steinke, M. Fritsch, F. Heinsius, T. Held, N. Hilse, V. Scherer, U. Wiedner: A simulation study on spatial and time resolution for a cost-effective positron emission particle tracking system, Particuology, Volume 88 (2023), 312-322.
- J. Oppotsch, N. Böhle, T. Held, M. Fink, M. Fritsch, F.-H. Heinsius, M. Steinke, U. Wiedner, “Development of the front-end electronics for a cost-effective PET-like detector system,”Nucl. Inst. Meth. A, Volume 1057, (2023), 168767.
- A. Jain, F. Evard, B. van Wachem: The effect of side walls on particles mixing in rotating drums, Particuology, Volume 72 (2023), 112-121.
- C. Gorges, M. Brömmer, C. Velten, S. Wirtz, E. Illana, V. Scherer, K. Zähringer, B. van Wachem: Comparing two IBM implementations for the simulation of uniform packed beds, Particuology, Volume 86 (2023), 1-12.
- S. Patil, C. Gorges, J. López-Bonilla, M. Stelter, F. Beyrau, B. van Wachem: Experimental and numerical investigation to elucidate the fluid flow through packed beds with structured particle packings, Particuology, Volume 89 (2024), 218-237.
- N. Hilse, M. Kriegeskorte, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer: Mixing and segregation of spheres of three different sizes on a batch stoker grate: Experiments and discrete element simulation, Powder Technology, Volume 400 (2022), 117258.
- J. Oppotsch, A. Athanassiadis, M. Fritsch, F.H. Heinsius, T. Held, N. Hilse, V. Scherer, M. Steinke, U. Wiedner: A simulation study for a cost-effective PET-like detector system intended to track particles in granular assemblies, Particuology, Volume 84 (2023), 117-125.
- M. Kriegeskorte, N. Hilse, P. Spatz, V. Scherer: Experimental study on influence of blade angle and particle size on particle mechanics on a batch-operated single floor of a multiple hearth furnace, Particuology, Volume 85 (2023), 224-240.
- J. Fischer, S. Julian Rodrigues, M. Kriegeskorte, N. Hilse, E. Illana, V. Scherer, E. Tsotsas: Particle-particle contact heat transfer models in thermal DEM: A model comparison and experimental validation, Powder Technology, Volume 429 (2023), 118909.
- J. Oppotsch, M. Steinke, M. Fritsch, F. Heinsius, T. Held, N. Hilse, V. Scherer, U. Wiedner: A simulation study on spatial and time resolution for a cost-effective positron emission particle tracking system, Particuology, Volume 88 (2024), 312-322.
- J. Schorlemer, F. Schenkel, N. Hilse, C. Schulz, V. Scherer, and I. Rolfes, “Radar-based particle localization in densely-packed granular assemblies” Processes, Volume 11(11), (2023), 3183.
- N. Hilse, M. Kriegeskorte, J. Fischer, P. Spatz, E. Illana, M. Schiemann, V. Scherer: Discrete element simulations on the contact heat transfer on a batch operated single floor of a multiple hearth furnace, Processes, Volume 11(12), (2023), 3257.
- F. Cerciello, A. Fabozzi, C. Yannakis, S. Schmitt, O. Narin, V. Scherer, O. Senneca, Kinetics of iron reduction upon reduction/oxidation cycles, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 65, 2024
- N. Hilse and V. Scherer, “Mixing behaviour of complex-shaped particle on a batch stoker grate,” in Proceedings of the PARTEC Congress, Nuremberg, Germany, 2023.
- N. Hilse and V. Scherer, “Examination of the influence of particle parameters on contact heat transfer on a single hearth furnace floor using DEM,” in Proceedings of Particles, Milan, Italy, 2023.
- N. Hilse, M. Kriegeskorte, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer: Mixing and segregation of spheres of three different sizes on a batch stoker grate: Experiments and discrete element simulation, Powder Technology, Volume 400 (2022), 117258.
- J. Oppotsch, A. Athanassiadis, M. Fritsch, F.H. Heinsius, T. Held, N. Hilse, V. Scherer, M. Steinke, U. Wiedner: A simulation study for a cost-effective PET-like detector system intended to track particles in granular assemblies, Particuology, Volume 84 (2023), 117-125.
- M. Kriegeskorte, N. Hilse, P. Spatz, V. Scherer: Experimental study on influence of blade angle and particle size on particle mechanics on a batch-operated single floor of a multiple hearth furnace, Particuology, Volume 85 (2023), 224-240.
- J. Fischer, S. Julian Rodrigues, M. Kriegeskorte, N. Hilse, E. Illana, V. Scherer, E. Tsotsas: Particle-particle contact heat transfer models in thermal DEM: A model comparison and experimental validation, Powder Technology, Volume 429 (2023), 118909.
- J. Oppotsch, M. Steinke, M. Fritsch, F. Heinsius, T. Held, N. Hilse, V. Scherer, U. Wiedner: A simulation study on spatial and time resolution for a cost-effective positron emission particle tracking system, Particuology, Volume 88 (2024), 312-322.
- J. Schorlemer, F. Schenkel, N. Hilse, C. Schulz, V. Scherer, and I. Rolfes, “Radar-based particle localization in densely-packed granular assemblies” Processes, Volume 11(11), (2023), 3183.
- N. Hilse, M. Kriegeskorte, J. Fischer, P. Spatz, E. Illana, M. Schiemann, V. Scherer: Discrete element simulations on the contact heat transfer on a batch operated single floor of a multiple hearth furnace, Processes, Volume 11(12), (2023), 3257.
- F. Cerciello, A. Fabozzi, C. Yannakis, S. Schmitt, O. Narin, V. Scherer, O. Senneca, Kinetics of iron reduction upon reduction/oxidation cycles, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 65, (2024)
- N. Hilse and V. Scherer, “Mixing behaviour of complex-shaped particle on a batch stoker grate,” in Proceedings of the PARTEC Congress, Nuremberg, Germany, 2023.
- N. Hilse and V. Scherer, “Examination of the influence of particle parameters on contact heat transfer on a single hearth furnace floor using DEM,” in Proceedings of Particles, Milan, Italy, 2023.
- M. O. Berner, V. Scherer, M. Mönningmann: An observer for partially obstructed wood particles in industrial drying processes, Computers & Chemical Engineering, Volume 141 (2020), 107013.
- M. O. Berner, M. Mönningmann: Comparison of two model reduction approaches of an industrial drying process, Automatisierungstechnik, Volume 69 (2021), 667-682.
- L. Reineking, K. Sommer, Y. P. Ravichandran, R. Skoda, M. Mönningmann: Long-term stable reduced models for hydraulic systems governed by Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations, IFAC, Volume 55 (2022), 254-259.
- L. Reineking, J. Fischer, A. Mjalled, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer, M. Mönnigmann: Convective drying of wood chips: Accelerating coupled DEM-CFD simulations with parametrized reduced single particle models, Particuology, Volume 84 (2023), 158-167.
- L. Mieg, T. Bergold, E. Illana, V. Scherer, M. Mönnigmann: A reduced model for particle calcination for use in DEM/CFD simulations, Particuology (2024), Volume 93, 316-327.
- E. Illana, M. Brömmer, S. Wirtz, B. van Wachem, V. Scherer: Simulation of Reacting, Moving Granular Assemblies of Thermally Thick Particles by Discrete Element Method/ComputationalFluid Dynamics, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Volume 46 (2023), 1317-1332.
- V. Cheron, F. Evard, N. El Achkar, B. van Wachem: A Hybrid Immersed Boundary Method for Dense Particle-Laden Flows, Computers Fluids, Volume 259 (2023), 105892.
- B. van Wachem, H. Elmestikawy, V. Chéron, Microstructure-based prediction of hydrodynamic forces in stationary particle assemblies, International Journal of Multiphase Flow (2024) 104815.
- V. Chéron, B. van Wachem Drag, lift, and torque correlations for axi-symmetric rod-like non-spherical particles in linear wall-bounded shear flow, 179 (2024) 104906.
- W. Sadowski, F. di Mare: Investigation of the porous drag and permeability at the porous-fluid interface: Influence of the filtering parameters on Darcy closure, Particuology, Volume 78 (2023), 122-135.
- W. Sadowski, M. Syyari, F. di Mare, M. Marschall: Large Eddy Simulation of flow in porous media: analysis of the commutation error of the double-averaged equations, Physics of Fluids, Volume 35 (2023), 5.
- W. Sadowski, M. Sayyari, F. di Mare, C. Velten, K. Zähringer: Particle-resolved simulations and measurements of the flow through a uniform packed bed, Physics of Fluids, (2024) (accepted for publication)
- W. Sadowski, F. Lo Presti, F. di Mare: Assessment of hybrid turbulence models for the simulation of ribbed channel flows with heat transfer, 15th European Turbomachinery Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24th-28th April, 2023.
- E. Illana, D. Mira, A. Mura: An extended flame index partitioning for partially premixed combustion, Combustion Theory and Modelling, Volume 25 (2021), 121-157.
- J. Jägers, M. Brömmer, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer: DEM-CFD simulation of wood pellet degradation by particle-wall impact during pneumatic conveying, Powder Techology, Volume 391 (2021), 385-402.
- N. Hilse, M. Kriegeskorte, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer: Mixing and segregation of spheres of three different sizes on a batch stoker grate: Experiments and discrete element simulation, Powder Techology, Volume 400 (2022), 117258.
- R. Deshpande, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer: Resolving particle shape in DEM simulations from tabulated geometry information, Powder Techology, Volume 407 (2022), 117700.
- L. Reineking, J. Fischer, A. Mjalled, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer, M. Mönnigmann: Convective drying of wood chips: Accelerating coupled DEM-CFD simulations with parametrized reduced single particle models, Particuology, Volume 84 (2023), 158-167.
- M. Brömmer, M. Scharnowski, E. Illana S. Wirtz, V. Scherer: Investigating the inflow into a granular bed using a locally resolved method, Particuology, Volume 85 (2023), 89-101.
- E. Illana, M. Brömmer, S. Wirtz, B. van Wachem, V. Scherer: Simulation of Reacting, Moving Granular Assemblies of Thermally Thick Particles by Discrete Element Method/ComputationalFluid Dynamics, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Volume 46 (2023), 1317-1332.
- E. Illana, M. Brömmer, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer: Locally resolved simulation of gas mixing and combustion inside static and moving particle assemblies, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Volume 46 (2023), 1-12.
- C. Gorges, M. Brömmer, C. Velten, S. Wirtz, E. Illana, V. Scherer, K. Zähringer, B. van Wachem: Comparing two IBM implementations for the simulation of uniform packed beds, Particuology, Volume 86 (2023), 1-12.
- B. Jaeger, E. Illana Mahiques, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer: Pyrolysis of Spherical Wood Particles in a Packed Bed – Comparison between Resolved and Unresolved Discrete Element Method/Computational Fluid Dynamics, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Volume 46 (2023), 2120-2132.
- J. Fischer, S. Julian Rodrigues, M. Kriegeskorte, N. Hilse, E. Illana, V. Scherer, E. Tsotsas: Particle-particle contact heat transfer models in thermal DEM: A model comparison and experimental validation, Powder Technology, Volume 429 (2023), 118909.
- E. Illana, H. Merten, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer: DEM/CFD Simulations of a Generic Oxy-Fuel Kiln for Lime Production, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, (2023), 102076.
- E. Illana , H. Merten , T. Bergold, M. Khodsiani, S. Hosseini, D. Mira, F. Beyrau, D. Thévenin , V. Scherer:Simulation of reacting flows in packed beds using flamelet generated manifolds, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Volume 47 (2023), 102264.
- E. Illana, K. Qyteti, M. Scharnowski, M. Brömmer, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer: Shape-changing particles for locally-resolved particle geometry in DEM simulations, Particuology, Volume 89 (2023), 185-190.
- N. Hilse, M. Kriegeskorte, J. Fischer, P. Spatz, E. Illana, M. Schiemann, V. Scherer: Discrete element simulations on the contact heat transfer on a batch operated single floor of a multiple hearth furnace, Processes, Volume 11(12) (2023), 3257.
- L. Mieg, T. Bergold, E. Illana, V. Scherer, M. Mönnigmann: A reduced model for particle calcination for use in DEM/CFD simulations, Particuology (2024), Volume 93, 316-327.
- R. Abdi, B. Jaeger, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, M. Schiemann, V. Scherer: Modelling of Heat Transfer in Moving Granular Assemblies with a Focus on Radiation using the Discrete Ordinate Method: A DEM-CFD Approach, Particology, Volume 100 (2025), 78-94. (Direct Download: Abdi et al. 2025.)
- E. Illana, M. Brömmer, . Wirtz, V. Scherer: Local flow resolution with the blocked-off method in DEM-CFD, Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow CMFF’22, 30th August – 02nd September, Budapest, Hungary, 2022.
- E. Illana, M. Brömmer, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer: Simulation of reacting and moving granular assemblies of thermally thick particles by DEM/CFD, a brief overview, Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow CMFF’22, 30th August – 02nd September, Budapest, Hungary, 2022.
- B. Jäger, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer, J. Behling: Pyrolysis of complex-shaped single wood chips – 3D DEM simulation, and comparison with experiment, 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Luxor, Egypt, 23rd – 26th January, 2023.