Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow CMFF’22
August 30th – September 2nd, 2022
Budapest, Hungary

In the course of the Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow CMFF’22, the CRC 287 has organized a workshop
and is organized by Prof. Viktor Scherer and Prof. Domique Thévenin.
Five talks were given in the workshop which are listed below:
- Machine learning-based closure development for modeling of cohesive gas-particle flows,
Josef Tausendschön, Mohammadsadegh Salehi and Stefan Radl,
Institute of Process and Particle Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria.
- CFD-DEM modelling of shaft furnaces, using the volume fraction smoother approach,
Christoph Spijker and Harald Raupenstrauch,
Chair of Thermal Processing Technology, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Leoben, Austria.
- Recent advances in CFD-DEM simulation of fluidized beds,
Babak Aghel, Falah Alobaid, Christoph Graf, Bernd Epple,
Institute for Energy Systems and Technology, Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt
- Local flow resolution with the blocked-off method in DEM-CFD: Gaseous fuel jet dispersion
and combustion in a particle assembly,
Enric Illana Mahiques, Max Brömmer, Siegmar Wirtz and Viktor Scherer,
Chair of Energy Plant Technology, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany.
- Discrete element modelling of non-spherical particles in turbulent gas-solid flows,
Berend van Wachem, Victor Chéron and Fabien Evrard,
Chair of Mechanical Process Engineering, Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering,
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg
In addition, Prof. Viktor Scherer gave an invited talk at the conference on
Simulation of reacting and moving granular assemblies of thermally thick particles by DEM/CFD